Thursday 29 July 2010

martinha in uruguay

Uruguay enjoyed 15 days with Marta Pires (Portugal, living in Brazil). It has been club la huella and Alvaro Martínez who organized the trainings. ‘en todo momento demostrando (al margen de su gran calidad técnica) una humildad, inteligencia y simpatía difíciles de encontrar en una misma persona’ (click). ‘vamos a estar alentándola, cada vez que entre en pista, pero sobre todo cuando necesite fuerzas ante algún traspié porque se ganó el cariño de todos’. Martinha, has been part of Brazilian representation at WC FCI 2006 and 2008 with Billy Jr., and is always in the first places of national and local rankings. Even if she is only 19 years old, she has already a 9-10 years of agility experience and has trained and competed with important agilitists.